The majority of us do not enjoy receiving negative feedback both in our personal and professional lives. However, we all tend to experience it in any way, shape or form, and when these instances do occur, we need to be mindful of how we deal with the situation. Here we will delve into the best ways on how to handle negative feedback at work. These principles can even be applied in our personal environment.
Is it really negative feedback?
We may often jump to conclusions whilst receiving negative feedback, which can result in an uncomfortable and undesirable setting. It is really important we take the time to assess the situation, have a holistic view and understand the feedback. For example, does the person always have this particular feedback method, or is it too early in a project timeline to receive and give feedback? With this, we should also assess the provider’s persona, are they a “half-glass empty” type of character? If so, this can help digest the feedback delivered.
Whilst receiving feedback, we need to take the time to listen carefully and decide whether the information is either factual or opinion-based. This will assist with calculating and ensuring our response is accurate and relevant to the negative feedback provided at work. We also must be considerate, that both facts and opinions can be accurate, but as long as we can differentiate between the two, this will ultimately aid with handling any negative feedback appropriately. Although it might be difficult to digest initially, it could also be the case that the feedback is actually constructive rather than negative. Where this is the case, this is crucial for future development (see below).
Be curious
Applying the principle of active listening whilst receiving negative feedback ensures we appropriately comprehend all the information. Once the feedback has been delivered, we must take the opportunity to ask a series of applicable questions. These questions should be specific and help in clarifying all the points that have been raised. Remember, we have the greatest opportunity and responsibility in positively shaping our professional road map, hence having an inquisitive mind on feedback, both positive and negative can contribute in driving our careers forward.
It is important to take an interest in the conversation even though the topic relates to negative feedback since this could be an area of opportunity to develop in and explore further. Have an open mind to the situation as you could in fact learn a skill or build a new network. To support with having an open mind and remaining positive, follow us on Instagram and join the Mindfulness Monday journey – @thedynamicmind.
Ensure to ask calculated questions which are specific to optimise the feedback provided. This will also help with constructing a progress plan of action. A few examples include:
- What are the crucial areas that you believe I should focus on?
- What should I start and stop doing?
- Given the points you have raised are there any additional resources you can signpost me towards?
It would also be useful to take note of the various points being mentioned as this allows us to deeply reflect on the information at a later stage and not jump to any immediate conclusions or responses which we may later regret. Maintaining professional during times of negative feedback exhibits strong resilience and character.
Think about the future
Maintaining an open mind both in our personal and professional journey allows us to tackle any scenario which we face, no matter how challenging and difficult, as we should have the future outcome cemented at the back of our minds. This includes negative feedback at work. Equipped with this key skill, we can analyse the negative feedback provided and formulate an action plan to act on the suggestions which we believe are relevant and fact-based. Similarly, opinion-based suggestions can be worth implementing, however, we should assess whether this will truly lead to positive outcomes.
When preparing to execute the action plan, do not be worried if you cannot immediately identify scenarios that will allow you to execute them. The key is that you have reflected on the negative feedback and have made an effort to test and positively improve your current practice. We must focus on the small wins of positive change to build our professional profile. This ultimately will allow us to remain focused and have a clear vision.
Handle your response
As previously mentioned, we may rush to conclusions when we are receiving negative feedback, which could mean interrupting the other person whilst they are delivering the feedback as we are not pleased with the information that is being relayed. However, during these times we need to be mindful as to how we approach this situation and the manner in which we respond.
Even during difficult situations, we must place faith in others, such that they have good intentions, although their method of dissemination may not have been ideal. Hence, taking the time to respond is a good solution to practice as we could say something hurtful in the heat of the moment. This is not desirable both in our personal and professional setting.
It is worth noting that with our response, we must articulate our words carefully not to offend the feedback provider, and we should adopt a grateful attitude, that someone has taken the time and effort to provide feedback. This is true even if it comes across negatively. This positive outlook will assist in handling our response and the situation as a whole.
To add, the tone and method of feedback provided could come across negative as the person may be nervous and concerned as to how we might feel. We must reflect on their experience and also appreciate that they have the courage to raise the topic with the mindset to help someone else, a characteristic we should also embrace.
We must consider our body language in responding to the feedback in both a face to face and digital environment – are we closed off, defensive or tense? We should take time to assess our posture, as being tense can send off negative energy and this will make the situation uncomfortable. Implementing an open figure can also help with obtaining an open mind (such as not crossing arms).
Summarise the best ways to deal with negative feedback at work
We have uncovered the best ways to deal with negative feedback at work, and the underlying principles can also be applied in our personal lives.
Document these key tips and if you have any other suggestions, we would love to hear about them.
- Are the comments really negative feedback?
- Always be curious and invest in yourself
- Constantly think about the future: short-term pain for the long-term benefit
- Ensure to appropriately handle your response
A combination of these elements will allow you to tackle any negative feedback which you may encounter. Remember to stay positive and have an open-mind during these experiences.
I found this article really eye opening as it enabled me to approach my appraisals with a more open mindset.