There are moments throughout our day that we may just lose a burst of energy to keep going. A key factor in driving forward is to focus on our motivation. We may even have phases when we ask ourselves, ‘how do I stay motivated?’ or ‘how I keep myself motivated every day?’ Here we will uncover 6 effective strategies to assist you on how to stay motivated all the time.
1. Be clear & understand your why
For us to stay motivated all the time, we first need to start with understanding our ‘why’ behind each activity as this helps discover our true purpose influencing our positive actions. To help with this, build a purpose driven vision board and annotate with actions you have taken and/or would like to take associated with the reason.
Taking the time to write down our ‘why’ on a sticky note and placing it in a prominent location on our desk, mirror or door can act as a gentle reminder. By doing this, it helps stimulate the mind in reinforcing the ‘why’, ultimately keeping us motivated.
To help you stay motivated through utilising positive affirmations, follow our Mindfulness Monday campaign on Instagram: @thedynamicmind
2. Passion
Having a clear passion regarding the activity we are completing truly cements motivation to keep moving forward. There is an enhanced sense of enjoyment from the experience as a result of being passionate. Even with ensuring we have success in our careers, which is purposeful, stems from finding our passion – follow our 6 secret tips to help you!
Network and find others who are also passionate about similar interests. This allows us to continuously motivate each other and bring the best out of ourselves. A support group is a highly effective tactic, both face-to-face and virtually.
3. Keep positive
Eating healthy, exercising and creating good habits is only part of the recipe to stay motivated all the time. We also need to aim to maintain a positive mind all the time. One effective tactic to conquer this element is to utilise positive affirmations – daily!
Take advantage of our Mindfulness Monday campaign on Instagram: @thedynamicmind. We help you start the week with a positive mindset.
Keeping a positive mind stimulates the release of ‘happy’ hormones– dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.
Whilst you are on your journey to maintaining a positive mindset, pass this on to others and in full circle you will also be rewarded with positivity – the principle of reciprocity.
4. Stay organised
Ensuring our environment is clean and clutter free makes the process of completing tasks more manageable and drives efficiency and productivity. Witnessing progress and being rewarded for our efforts as a result of staying organised helps with staying motivated all the time. It can be beneficial to utilise a desk organiser to assist and synchronise calendars across various devices.
A tranquil environment allows us to have a clear frame of mind, hence we can make executive decisions simply.
5. Focus on one task at a time
To stay motivated at the time, we cannot have our minds racing around. Therefore, remain present and truly focused on one specific task by blocking out any distractions and those with negative energy. This can even include placing our phone in another room to be in the ‘zone’.
It is okay to reject social activities from time to time if it means we are investing in ourselves for personal growth!
We can allocate periods in our day/week which are explicitly for enjoyment, as this will make the hard-working hours far more manageable and we can continue to stay motivated.
6. Visualise success
Whilst remaining focused on only one task at a time, we should also visualise success and keep this vision at the back of our mind, since this will help us stay motivated.
Visualising success is an investment in our success.
Many of us may have a missing step with public speaking with confidence for example, and to address this aspect, visualising success is highly impactful.
To stay motivated, document what success looks like on a vision board and place this in a central location as this will continuously remind us of our success.
Summary: 6 effective strategies on how to stay motivated all the time
We have highlighted 6 effective strategies on how to stay motivated all the time, which can be used in combination or individually. The aim is to ensure that we stay motivated and are enjoying the process.
- Be clear & understand your why
- Passion
- Keep positive
- Stay organised
- Focus on one task at a time
- Visualise success
Document the journey and have fun!
Let us know in the comments section below of any other effective strategies on how to stay motivated all the time.